Rikei et SKYREAL : Un partenariat stratégique pour révolutionner les secteurs industriels au Japon

En pleine accélération de la transformation numérique dans l’industrie, les entreprises les plus innovantes savent que l’avenir repose sur des solutions immersives. SKYREAL, pionnier dans le développement des technologies immersives pour les secteurs de l’aviation et de la production industrielle, s’est allié à Rikei Corporation, intégrateur de solutions technologiques au Japon et en Asie. Ce partenariat vise à répondre aux besoins grandissants du marché japonais, en particulier dans les secteurs de l’aéronautique et du spatial.

Une alliance au service de la transformation numérique

L’industrie au Japon, tout comme dans le reste du monde, est confrontée à des défis structurels majeurs : pénurie de main-d’œuvre qualifiée, exigences accrues en termes de compétitivité et complexité croissante des process. C’est dans ce contexte que la transformation numérique s’impose comme un levier essentiel pour assurer l’agilité et l’efficacité des opérations.

Le partenariat entre SKYREAL et Rikei vise à pour offrir des solutions XR optimisées pour le marché japonais. Grâce à cette collaboration, les solutions SKYREAL seront localisées et adaptées aux spécificités des entreprises japonaises et bénéficieront de l’expertise pointue du moteur Unreal Engine des deux sociétés. Cette synergie permettra non seulement de gagner en efficacité dans les processus de production, mais aussi d’accélérer la phase de conception et de prototypage.

L’impact dans les secteurs de l’aéronautique et du spatial

Les secteurs de l’aéronautique et du spatial, en constante évolution, exigent des solutions capables de combiner sécurité, innovation, et précision. Avec des applications variées telles que la conception de lignes de production ou la formation des opérateurs sur des systèmes aussi complexes que la fusée « Ariane 6 », les technologies développées par SKYREAL sont un atout précieux pour ces industries.
En s’associant avec Rikei, qui bénéficie d’une forte expérience sur le marché japonais dans les domaines de l’aeronautique, du spatial et de la défense, SKYREAL se positionne pour répondre aux attentes grandissantes de ces secteurs de pointe.

Une vision commune de l’innovation pour Rikei et SKYREAL

Cette collaboration marque une étape importante dans leur vision commune : celle de démocratiser l’usage des technologies immersives dans l’industrie. Cette alliance stratégique ne se contente pas de répondre aux besoins actuels, elle anticipe également les futures tendances du marché. En offrant des solutions XR capables de s’adapter aux demandes croissantes en matière de conception et de simulation en temps réel, SKYREAL et Rikei ouvrent la voie à de nouvelles façons de concevoir, collaborer et former dans un monde de plus en plus complexe et interconnecté.

Comme le souligne Hugo Falgarone, CEO de SKYREAL : « Ce partenariat avec Rikei renforce notre capacité à apporter des solutions XR innovantes à des secteurs stratégiques au Japon. Ensemble, nous allons repousser les limites de la technologie et redéfinir l’usage des environnements virtuels dans l’industrie. »

Cet accord n’est pas seulement une opportunité pour SKYREAL d’étendre sa présence au Japon ; il s’agit également d’une occasion unique pour les acteurs industriels japonais de moderniser leurs processus grâce à des technologies immersives robustes, performantes et éprouvées.


En savoir plus

Pour une description complète de ce partenariat et de ses implications, nous vous invitons à consulter le communiqué de presse officiel ci-dessous (rédigé en anglais) :







Rikei Signs Partnership Agreement with SKYREAL (SKR Technologies) – Advancing DX in the Manufacturing and Aviation Industries with XR Technology 

– from Both Companies –


Rikei Corporation (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Satoru Isaka; hereinafter “Rikei,”) a developer of XR technology for the manufacturing industry, is pleased to announce that the company has entered into a partnership agreement with SKR Technologies (Headquarters: France; Founder&CEO: Hugo Falgarone; hereinafter “SKYREAL,”) which has extensive experience in providing XR support to the aviation industry. Rikei will begin offering localized and customized versions of SKYREAL Virtual Reality software « Skyreal VR » for the Japanese market. This will enable the provision of specialized VR solutions for the spatial and aviation sectors, where demand is expected to increase.


In recent years, the manufacturing industry has faced challenges such as the need to enhance competitiveness in a short period and a reduction in human resources, requiring DX to stabilize work accuracy, improve production efficiency, and speed up the development of products and services.

Rikei has been focusing on digital twin technology, an element of DX, in the manufacturing industry from early on. By utilizing XR* technology, including VR, Rikei has been contributing to shortening work processes, improving quality, and reducing costs in the manufacturing industry by accurately reproducing real-world objects and environments in digital space. This technology supports evaluation and prediction at each stage, from design to simulation and operation.

*XR: Cross Reality, a general term for technologies that combine physical and virtual spaces.

Rikei’s various qualifications in Unreal Engine, along with its proven track record of providing solutions to numerous manufacturing companies, including those in the automotive industry, such as VR for vehicle development, and its affiliation with AeroPartners Incorporated, which has strengths in the defense and aviation sectors, were highly valued. As a result, Rikei has entered into a partnership agreement with SKYREAL.

We believe that we can contribute to the promotion of DX by providing specialized solutions for the defense and aviation sectors, where demand is expected to increase in the future.


What to Expect from the Partnership Agreement

[Synergistic Effect of Rikei and SKYREAL’s Technical Expertise]
By leveraging the Unreal Engine development expertise of both Rikei and SKYREAL, we can combine our technical strengths to localize and customize (including additional feature development) « Skyreal VR » for Japanese companies.


[Utilizing Rikei and SKYREAL’s Expertise in the Defense and Aviation Industries]
We will be able to promptly provide XR solutions for manufacturing design, backed by a proven track record both in Japan and overseas.


Use Cases of « Skyreal VR » Solution 

[Case 1] Accelerating the ramp-up of Factory Production Lines/Groupe ADF (France)
By utilizing « Skyreal VR, » production lines in factories can be set up and validated in a digital space, contributing to the rapid ramp-up of production lines and cost reduction.

[Case 2] Use for Operation Training of the new generation Rocket « Ariane 6 » for Satellite Launches/ArianeGroup (France) 

A comprehensive training program for the operation of the new generation rocket « Ariane6 » for satellite launches is conducted using « Skyreal VR. » This allows operators to perform realistic operational rehearsals while viewing a full-scale virtual prototype.

Features of the « Skyreal VR » Solution
  1. Provide software for key manufacturing-process simulation
  2. Imports a wide range of CAD data and exports VR-edited content back to CAD data
  3. Utilizes the latest Unreal Engine features (Nanite and Lumen) for manufacturing simulations, with easy material application to CAD-based data via the material library
  4. Enables editing within VR based on the CAD data tree
  5. Allows the addition of objects such as cable wiring in the VR space
SKYREAL Highlights


Comments from Satoru Isaka, President & CEO of Rikei Corporation

By adding the VR support software ”Skyreal VR” to Rikei’s expertise and achievements in XR, developed through the use of Unreal Engine in the manufacturing industry, we will be able to provide even more optimal support solutions. Additionally, we have high expectations that this will grow into our next core business, as we anticipate significant demand in Rikei’s related sectors, such as low Earth orbit satellites and aircraft engine maintenance.


Comments from Hugo Falgarone, Founder & CEO of SKYREAL :  

I am thrilled to partner with Rikei, whose renowned expertise in XR and Unreal Engine is well-regarded by leading industries. By incorporating Skyreal VR into their solution portfolio, we will greatly enhance our ability to address the growing needs of cutting-edge sectors in the Japanese market.
This collaboration is set to drive significant innovations, positioning Skyreal at the forefront of the next generation of 3D technologies.


About SKYREAL (SKR Technologies) 

SKYREAL is a startup that is setting new standards in the use of VR for modern engineering. Its team is developing a universal platform leveraging existing 3D/CAD data to accelerate the design of tomorrow’s world. SKYREAL offers a metaverse for industries where engineers design, collaborate and train in VR.

SKYREAL specializes in real-time 3D for the aviation and manufacturing industries. Cutting-edge services encompass design, prototyping, and virtual testing, enabling clients to transform their innovative concepts into reality with unmatched precision and efficiency. Discover the future of design and manufacturing with SKYREAL.


Headquarters: 28 rue de Petites Ecuries 75010 Paris, FRANCE

Representative: Hugo Falgarone, Founder & CEO

Established: November 27, 2017

URL: https://sky-real.com/

LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/skyreal/


About Rikei Corporation

Since its establishment in 1957 as a solution vendor in the IT and electronics industries, Rikei Corporation has provided a variety of solutions ranging from systems to networks, VR/AR contents, electronic materials and electronic devices.

Rikei proposes solutions that utilize cutting-edge technologies and advanced products from Japan and overseas, and contributes to business development such as improving efficiency of operations and profits of customers.


Headquarters Shinjuku Mitsui Building No. 2, 3-2-11 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023

Capital 3,426 million yen (as of the end of March, 2024)

Representative Satoru Isaka, President & CEO

Established June 8, 1957

Business Provision of system and network solutions and electronic components and devices

URL http://www.rikei.co.jp/en/


*Product and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.



Next Generation Business Development Department
Interactive Solutions Group
